
English: "V" icon as as symbol for v...

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I’ve never really been one for New Year’s resolutions. I get the appeal, but it’s never been something that’s really worked for me. Still, this year, I decided to give it a go and wrote a 12 in 2012 list.

What’s on it? Why, I’m glad you asked.

  1. Be vegan. I’m committing to really making the switch this year, to being 100 percent vegan. Of course, it helps that I just found an awesome vegan macaroni and cheese recipe (that I’ll definitely be posting!).
  2. Be healthier. Eat better, sleep more, get exercise and be compliant on medication and treatment. I need to be better at this to control what I can about my health.
  3. Be more involved at church. I already teach Sunday school, but I’m going to join the choir as well and start going to the young adult meetings, too.
  4. Sew something every month. Put that Pinterest inspiration folder to use! This month, I’ll try to tackle the skirt that’s been fighting me.
  5. Read more. The mister got me a subscription to “The Economist,” so I want to read that every week plus at least one book per month.
  6. Date the mister. Got on one real date per month. This will get interesting, since we’re poor (see: I’m a journalist; he’s a student), but we’ll make it work.
  7. Battle blogger burnout. Find a blogging schedule that works well for me and stick to it.
  8. Write a 30 by 30 list and start checking things off.
  9. Speak more French.
  10. Keep my space clean and organized—at work and at home. This is a biggie, and it’s something I’ll usually let slide. But I feel better and am more production when my area is tidy, so I want to make this a priority.
  11. Get creative with my closet and my style instead of constantly buying more stuff or falling into a rut. To that end, I’ve started a little Tumblr and am going to take pictures of myself, style blogger styles. I think seeing how awesome my wardrobe is will help.
  12. Be present.

What resolutions did you make—if any?